I.M. Pei at SUNY Fredonia

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With the passing of I.M. Pei, we reflect on the 70-year career of I.M. Pei and his immeasurable contribution to the field of architecture. We all studied his paradigm-breaking brand of modernism, his exquisite use of concrete, and his defiant geometries.
Many of us had the intimate privilege of working on his creations here in Western New York – the signature buildings and Campus Master Plan of SUNY Fredonia! On designing a new Welcome Center, we worked with Fredonia to select a location that celebrates the vistas and reveals, eloquently created by Pei’s original campus design. For the iconic gateway building, Maytum Hall, we were tasked with the sensitive restoration of I.M. Pei’s creation, including replication of the precast concrete panels cladding its façade.

Preservation and renewal of the historic buildings of our past connect us with a sense of place and time. The preservation of I.M. Pei’s creations ensures they can inspire students for generations to come.

Find out more about the Maytum Hall Renovation project.

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