
Our WorkHydraulics

Hydraulics by Architectural Resources

Design Brief

Project Location: Buffalo, NY

The Hydraulic Residential Project was designed to create a strong link to the Larkin District, conceptually and physically, by integrating the spirit of the district as a fundamental element of the design and organization of A|r’s proposed building. From the concrete and brick facades to the expansive windows and detailed interior columns, these key features are built for performance and permanence and are viewed as a celebration of function and materials. The project expresses the district’s history as a neighborhood of innovation in materials, structure, engineering systems, products, and industry standards by treating the building as a machine for its use.

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Design Brief

The Hydraulic Residential Project was designed to create a strong link to the Larkin District, conceptually and physically, by integrating the spirit of the district as a fundamental element of the design and organization of A|r’s proposed building. From the concrete and brick facades to the expansive windows and detailed interior columns, these key features are built for performance and permanence and are viewed as a celebration of function and materials. The project expresses the district’s history as a neighborhood of innovation in materials, structure, engineering systems, products, and industry standards by treating the building as a machine for its use.

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