Performance Space Design

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March is Music in Our Schools Month, and this March we celebrate the performing arts and spaces that support the inclusive and energizing experience of live performance.

From Drama Theaters to Recital Halls to private rehearsal spaces, we have long been inspired by the way performing arts buildings shape the perception and appreciation of theater, dance, and music. Take a journey through one of our recently designed projects, The Performing Arts Center at Canterbury Woods, where the fan-shaped seating, thoughtfully balanced sightlines, and bespoke acoustic treatments create an intimate experience for performers and each member of the audience. 

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A|r has collaborated with music education advocates and community leaders to support accessible and inclusive arts education and lifelong learning.  From the Community Music School, to Canisius High School, to Buffalo State College, to the School of Communication, Media and the Arts at SUNY Oswego, these efforts have created spaces where young learners can discover and expand their passion for performance.

Happy Music in Our Schools Month!

Find out more about our performing arts design projects here:

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