
NewsWelcome Center

09.04.19 | Welcome Center

Returning to college or arriving for the first time, the Welcome Center provides an intriguing point of arrival, beckoning the community to discover the campus.

Positioned at the head of the academic mall, the new SUNY Oneonta Welcome Center invites new students and alumni to experience the rich tradition of SUNY Oneonta, as they pass between the original “Old Main” pillars to approach the new hilltop facility.

“The college’s new Welcome Center has met expectations, providing an exceptional first-impression to visitors and prospective students. With the opening of the college’s Welcome Center and expanded campus visitation options, the college saw a 7% increase in visitors to campus this year. Total applications increased by 18.2% and the freshmen acceptance rate decreased from 59 to 51%”

We’re delighted that the staff and students of SUNY Oneonta are enjoying their new Welcome Center!

Good luck Class of 2020!

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